Vaccines: Blind faith at the Washington Post on Paul Offit’s Bad Faith

After the New York Times eviscerated Paul Offit’s new book, Bad Faith: How Religious Belief Undermines Modern Medicine, the world of journalism was on notice that something was seriously amiss with Offit’s faith-based case for vaccination — at the very least that his word could not be taken as Gospel. “Offit’s book is more a […]

Globe and Mail unquestioningly touts HPV vaccine for boys

The Globe and Mail’s health news reporter, Kelly Grant, referred to lots of experts in “Nova Scotia to include boys in HPV vaccination schedule,” her April 10 story on the merits of vaccinating boys as well as girls against the human papillomavirus. Grant referred to “oncologists and major health organizations – including the Canadian Cancer […]

New York Times eviscerates Paul Offit

In his review of Paul Offit’s new book, “Bad Faith,” New York Times columnist Mark Oppenheimer slams Offit’s reasoning and scholarship, likening the book to “a fervent attack job [that] is thinly sourced and poorly researched, seeming at times as if he began with a conclusion and then went in search of evidence.” Oppenheimer describes […]